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political campaign

美 [pəˈlɪtɪkl kæmˈpeɪn]英 [pəˈlɪtɪkl kæmˈpeɪn]
  • 网络竞选活动;政治运动;政治竞选活动;竞选;竞选运动
political campaignpolitical campaign


the campaign of a candidate to be elected
Synonym: campaigning candidacy candidature electioneering
a race between candidates for elective office
I managed his campaign for governor
he is raising money for a Senate run
Synonym: campaign run


  1. They marvel at his ability to connect with people , and think he would be able to win elective office , even if he has expressed little interest in wanting to mount a political campaign .


  2. The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign .


  3. Opposition to development seeds many a political campaign .


  4. That 's where most of the money goes in any political campaign .


  5. The Study of Political Campaign Advertising in the 2008 Taiwan President 's Election


  6. It would never acknowledge it , but its political campaign is going just fine .


  7. Then , once the political campaign of 2012 is over , the real work will begin .


  8. No business deal or political campaign is really complete until you discuss all the issues involved .


  9. In fact , the inventor of Internet came up in our last political campaign .


  10. The research corpus consists of thirty print advertisements and five political campaign speeches .


  11. Disaster relief is essentially a backwards political campaign .


  12. In a political campaign , you start with no interest and no capacity to turn that into action .


  13. The Supreme Court loosened the reigns on political campaign contributions .


  14. Here we go : are they on a rugby team , sailboat , movie set or political campaign ?


  15. As voters the world over know , political campaign promises can fly out the window when they hit cold hard reality .


  16. This being said , it is my assessment that , what we have seen is by and large a dignified political campaign .


  17. From the standpoint of politics for instance , if you want loyal people in a political campaign , do not pay them .


  18. You can volunteer for a political campaign , for a religious organization , or for a social-justice based non-profit .


  19. In Richmond , with the fervor of a political campaign , the president demanded action from Congress on his jobs plan .


  20. In financial disclosures related to his political campaign , Mr Trump said Miss Universe was worth between $ 5m and $ 25m and had $ 3.4m in revenue .


  21. And to my campaign manager , David Plouffe , the unsung hero of this campaign , who built the best & the best political campaign , I think , in the history of the United States of America .


  22. I mentioned that I 'd worked on a political campaign in San Diego . My current boss is running for office in Anchorage , which sparked his interest in me . It was a lucky move that paid off .


  23. Finally , it is also hoped that analysis of the propaganda characteristics in the period in this essay may be a little supplement to the party history research on Political Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea , and find a new angle of view .


  24. He was so dull at parties ; a dull political campaign ; a large dull impassive man ; dull days with nothing to do ; how dull and dreary the world is ; fell back into one of her dull moods .


  25. The manager of Sanders ' political campaign , Jeff Weaver , said the emails confirmed " what many of us have known for some time , " that DNC members were " actively helping the Clinton effort and trying to hurt Bernie Sanders ' campaign . "


  26. Blowing the whistle may be legitimate ; a political smear campaign is not .


  27. However , as the dogmatism and philistinism of Marxism , as well as the thought transforming in the intellectuals and the generalization of political criticism campaign .


  28. As the world competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer , the studies of public political speeches and campaign speeches have been valued .


  29. Putting her in this position does create a space for fair comment on her role and behavior at the hearings , much like political wives who campaign for their husbands .


  30. Ideological Remolding Under the New Political Power : The Campaign to Study the History of Social Development Around the Founding of New China
